Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
Certified Body Code Practitioner
Life Transformation Coach
You know that neck, back, knee, etc., pain that won't disappear?
It's likely trapped emotions!
Who isn't stressed these days with everything happening in life? Imagine releasing the trapped emotions dragging you down!
Do you struggle with money and/or your business? Maybe you want to start a business? Remove your trapped emotions!
Are past life events dragging you down? Trapped emotions can causing pain or conflict in your body.
Are you addicted to certain foods, drinks, sugar? Drugs, alcohol or more? Release trapped emotions to remove the addictions!
There's so much confusion on which diet, food, and exercise are right. I released trapped emotions to help me lose weight!
The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. The Emotion Code works by identifying and releasing emotional baggage, also called “trapped emotions.” Using muscle testing, we can quickly identify, locate, and release hidden, trapped emotions.
They are harmful emotional energies from negative past events you haven't processed or let go of. My parents and teachers told me to “put it behind you,” and I did! Dragging it through life!
The Body Code is focused on six major imbalances affecting our body, mind and spirit. The focus of The Body Code is to bring balance to your body so it can naturally heal itself.
The Belief Code was launched in November 2023 after being announced a few years before. The former T3 Healing Modality was updated and integrated into the Body Code app.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. Or check my calendar to book a quick time to talk.
For years I've practiced holistic health and natural healing. I've always felt that connection to my subconscious and spirit driving me to help others!
Many years ago, I started Reiki certification, and today, I'm a Usui/Holy Fire III Master Teacher.
In 2017, I started practicing the Emotion Code healing on myself after reading the book. The results were so excellent I decided to become certified and help others. Learn more about Emotion Code Certification Training here.
I've helped people and pets from all walks of life relieve the stress and pain associated with negative, trapped emotions!
During the “pandemic” of 2020, I found the time to complete my Body Code Certification! Learn more about the fantastic benefits of the Body Code
2021 was dedicated to growing and expanding my Clairvoyant Healing and Chakra Balancing.
In 2022, I released my self-study course “How to Heal Yourself.”
Today, my focus is on Life Transformation Coaching, helping you find more happiness, health, and abundance in life!