What is a Body Code Session and how does it work?

Who created the Body Code session?

Dr Bradley Nelson
Dr. Bradley Nelson

A Body Code session is a state-of-the-art energy healing technique developed by a holistic chiropractor, Dr. Bradley Nelson. Since the late ’90s, Dr. Nelson has developed the Emotion Code and later the Body Code. His first book, The Emotion Code, was published in 2007 and was re-released in 2019. The Body Code was launched in 2012, and today there are thousands of practitioners around the world and the Belief Code was launched in 2023

Why do I need a Body Code session?

Did you know that every stressful moment you have had, every negative emotion you have felt, and every painful injury you have experienced is stored in some part of your body down to the cellular level? These trapped emotions are in your muscles, organs, connective tissue, joints, etc. Our body is a living history that records every physical and emotional trauma or injury ever experienced. Are you stuck in time caused by a traumatic event(s)? The Emotion Code/Body Code session can help to release the stored and recorded trauma patterns experienced by an accident, work, injury, relationships, etc., you may have experienced. What emotional traumas keep you from enjoying a life free from past grief and sorrow?

Dr. Bradley Nelson teaches that true health is from being balanced in six areas:

  • Energies: Identifying and removing damaging energies that can become trapped in the body during stressful emotional events.
  • Circuitry: Balancing the energy systems, including the chakras, the meridians, and the energy circuits of the organs and glands.
  • Toxicity: A Body Code Session can identify and address toxic agents that don’t appear on medical tests and those that do.
  • Pathogens: Destructive and often elusive infections can be easily identified along with any necessary remedies to rid the body of them.
  • Structural: Imbalance in the bones, organs, connective tissue, muscles, and nerves can be treated non-invasively.
  • Nutritional: Nutrient deficiency and imbalances like dehydration, magnetic field deficiency, or a need for a healing food or herb.

The Body Code Session Has Helped People With:

  • Neck Pain
  • Night Terrors
  • Obesity/Overweight
  • Organ Malfunction
  • Panic Attacks
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Phobias
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Sciatica
  • Sinus Problems
  • Skin Problems
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Tinnitus
  • Vertigo

How Does a Body Code Session Work?

The Body Code session is so effective because it helps to find and remove specific problems. The Body Code is a tool to be used to tap into our subconscious mind to determine what imbalances need to be corrected. This is done by using simple “yes or no” questions to find the imbalance. Like a computer, the subconscious mind will record every belief, thought, word, or action recorded throughout our lifetime by our input devices.  What we see, hear, taste, speak, and feel from conception until now is recorded on this “hard drive” within our mind. 

The Body Code Energy Healing

Our subconscious mind programs itself based on the environment in which we receive the input.  This is why it is important to understand that our culture, religion, family history, social environment, and community are important in understanding who and what we have become. Once the old programs are released, we can input and reprogram our true “heart desires”. Using kinesiology, we can enter the subconscious through specific wording that will elicit a “yes” or “no” response.  The muscles of the body will weaken if the answer is “no” and the muscles of the body will strengthen if the answer is “yes”.  It is possible to tap into the “programming” of the body to determine if an imbalance can be corrected to change our current life experience to one we want and need.

How a Body Code Session is Done:

Either in person or via proxy (over the phone, Skype/Zoom, or by email), the practitioner connects with the client’s energetic field and subconscious. Imbalances are identified and released using Body Code charts and simple kinesiology (muscle testing) with binary (yes or no) questions. The body can set aside its own needs to serve another, which is why the practitioner can use proxy muscle testing.

Emotion Code and Body Code Certification

We are all made of and exist in the same sea of energy, therefore, we can connect via this energy wherever we are. The practitioner's intention during a session is to serve the client's highest good. The energetic body and subconscious mind are like a lake. Beneath the surface are hidden Trapped Emotions and other imbalances that can contribute to poor health. When a Trapped Emotion is identified and recognized by the conscious mind, it rises to the surface of the body and the energy is concentrated along the governing meridian of the body.

The governing meridian runs from the upper lip, up over the head and down the spine to the tail-bone. To release the trapped emotion the practitioner rolls a magnet down the spine or governing meridian, usually three times. Given that the body is made of electromagnetic energy, the magnet pulls the trapped emotion away. Once a particular trapped emotion is released, that’s it! It’s gone forever!

Healing with your hands

What if you could know exactly what you, your loved ones, or your clients truly needed when they’re sick or suffering — and be able to help instantly?  

What if you could prevent illness or disease before it strikes?

What would it feel like to live a happy, healthy life and save thousands of dollars in healthcare costs because you could keep your body in a relative state of healthy balance?

With a Body Code session, this reality is possible!

I'm here to help you! Contact me to learn more about a Body Code Session today!

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Receive a copy of The Emotion Code Chart, Heart-Wall Flowchart, two chapters of The Emotion Code Book and much more!
Learn how to find and release trapped emotions!
Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Bob Randklev, GettingAnswers.com, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own healthcare decisions based on your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.
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