Review Of The Emotion Code Book (Revised Edition) A MUST Read!

The Emotion Code Book amazed me the first time I read it! I had been on a journey of healing for many years. Never before had I found the answers to my issues in such a simple solution. There are many excellent books with theories or comprehensive solutions that have helped me. The Emotion Code Book defined my problems and gave me the tools to heal!

The Emotion Code Book not only healed me but lead me to become a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. I learned how to release trapped emotions for abundant health, love, and happiness.

I've helped myself, friends, family, and clients worldwide. I've worked with animals too! Energy healing is the "missing link" so many people are looking for to solve their problems. But they aren't aware to search for "energy healing" or "The Emotion Code."

In the revised and expanded edition of The Emotion Code book, Dr. Bradley Nelson explains how to look into the subconscious mind with muscle testing. I learned how to identify negative past life events, holding me back. 

These "trapped emotions" are balls of energy pulsating in your body. They can cause pain, discomfort and can lead to disease.

Trapped emotions can take an emotional toll on you too. They can affect how you think and make decisions. They can affect your level of success and abundance in life.

Your heart is where trapped emotions cause the most damage. Trapped emotional energies can create a heart-wall to protect you. But they can go too far and block you from love and happiness.

The Emotion Code book explains a powerful and straightforward way to clear emotional baggage. Dr. Nelson explains the tools to identify and release the trapped emotions in your life. Removing your "emotional baggage" can open your heart and body. 

The expanded and revised edition of "The Emotion Code Book" includes:

  • 60+ new sections
  • New testimonials from humans and animals
  • Definitions of trapped emotions
  • A new chapter on inherited emotions from your ancestors
  • More information on the Heart-Wall, love, and happiness.
  • More details on "how to" clear trapped emotions
  • How to take your healing to the next level

The Emotion Code Book by Dr. Bradley Nelson Background

The Emotion Code book was first published in 2007 by Dr. Bradley Nelson. He spent over 20 years as a chiropractor and holistic physician. His book has sold hundreds of thousands of copies, and it's been translated into many languages.

Buy a copy of The Emotion Code Book from Dr. Bradley Nelson >>>

What is the Emotion Code Certification Program

This lead to the Emotion Code Certification program. Dr. Nelson had helped so many people, but he wanted to do more. By certifying other practitioners, the results would multiply forward! Today there are thousands of practitioners worldwide!

The Emotion Code book contents

The Emotion Code Book author Dr Bradley Nelson
  • Foreward by Tony Robbins
  • Acknowledgments to those who helped create this work
  • A note to readers that the Emotion Code often produces marvelous results. And incredible benefits, both physical and mental. The book is not intended to be a substitute for the services of any health-care professional!
  • The introduction summarizes how Dr. Bradley Nelson came to write the book. He shares his love for people, healing, and how he wants to help the world! You'll learn more about Dr. Bradley Nelson. His professional background and family life. He takes you on the journey to what led to the discoveries in the book. And how it's changed his life and so many others!

Part 1: Trapped Emotions

The two chapters in part one define what trapped emotions are and how they affect us. Dr. Brad explains how over 90% of diseases have negative trapped emotions attached to them. Emotion Code energy healing doesn't heal disease. It removes the energy imbalance holding the body back from healing itself. Remove the negative energies and allow the body to heal. 

The Emotion Code Book Ebook on Kindle!

Purchasing Kindle books allow you to start reading right away! There is a Kindle reader for every computer, or you can download the app to any phone. Kindle auto-syncs between devices! If you switch devices, you won't lose the place you left off reading. 

The Emotion Code Audiobook

You can listen to the Emotion Code Book at Audible for a single credit. Subscribe and get one or more credits each month. Learn more about emotional baggage and balancing your energy.

The Emotion Code Book PDF

You can get the first two chapters of The Emotion Code Book PDF by request. Enter your name and email below, then check your inbox!

The Emotion Code Book Free Download

I'm not aware of any free copies of The Emotion Code book, and if there are, please report them. Dr. Bradley Nelson and his team at Discover Healing are doing great things to help the world! We can support them by purchasing the book and becoming certified to help others.

The Emotion Code Book Reviews:

"This book can change our understanding of how we store emotional experiences. In so doing, change our lives. The Emotion Code has already changed many lives around the world. I hope that millions more can heal themselves and their loved ones."

Tony Robbins

"In this wonderful book, Dr. Brad Nelson gives us an evolved model of how we get sick and how we can indeed heal. He teaches us how a broad spectrum of trapped emotions stored in our bodies can limit our health. The Emotion Code Book provides us the practical tools to free ourselves. Learn how to release the chains of those self-limiting emotions. Read it and become your own healer!"

Dr. Joe Dispenza, New York Times best-selling author of You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

"The Emotion Code has the potential to change the paradigm of self-help and self-health. If you are open to a future that is different from the one, we are currently experiencing. You must read this book to open your mind forever. To the simplest yet most powerful healing method, the world has ever known."

George Noory, host of the syndicated radio show Coast to Coast AM

"I've read hundreds of self-help books. The Emotion Code gives you the tools to create your reality. We all have trapped emotions and baggage, so why not learn the tools to let go of the past to start creating your future."

Frazier Bailey, Director E-motion & Root Cause Documentary Films

"The Emotion Code allows us to rise out of pain. Not only to help ourselves but to help those victimized and abused."

Tim Ballard, Founder of Operation Underground Railroad

"If you are looking for a simple and inexpensive way to get healthier. Make more money, and have more love in your life, look no further. Simple, effective, and powerful, it is a method that anyone can learn and use."

Alex Loyd Ph.D., ND, author of the bestselling The Healing Code

"The Emotion Code catapults us beyond conventional explanations of random symptoms and disease. This book is about you, your life, and every relationship that you'll ever experience. I do not doubt that The Emotion Code will become a cornerstone for the healing of the new millennium."

Gregg Braden, New York Times bestselling author of Human by Design and The Divine Matrix

"Bradley Nelson's passion for creating The Emotion Code and for clearing and healing others of inner darkness. It makes him a "True Champion" for life, joy, happiness, and fulfillment in life. In my "heart of hearts" I know Bradley Nelson is a Fabulous Gift to the People of this World."

Don Tolman, The Whole Food Medicine Man

"The Emotion Code book contains workable solutions to solve common human problems. Dr. Nelson has done amazing healing work for thousands around the world. Read it and learn to help your family."

Raymon Grace, Author & Founder of Raymon Grace Foundation

"It's often said that energy medicine is the future. Dr. Brad's Emotion Code will play a big part because of its simplicity and power."

Justin Lyons, Producer E-motion & Root Cause Documentary Films

"Learning to process your emotions is by far the most powerful thing you could ever learn. The Emotion Code is a gift that keeps giving."

Dr. Darren R. Weissman, Author of The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude. And the Developer of The LifeLine Technique®

"Dr. Nelson has discovered that the majority of people have a 'wall' of energy around their hearts. They were created by the subconscious mind to protect the heart from breaking. Be patient, learn this process of emotional healing. Use it to heal yourself, your children, and your loved ones."

Razi Berry, Founder, and Publisher of Naturopathic Doctor News & Review

"Dr. Bradley Nelson is a modern-day healer! The Emotion Code is in the "must-read" category!

Steve Shallenberger, Founder, and President of Becoming Your Best Global Leader. Author of the National Best Seller Becoming Your Best

"The Emotion Code is a powerful healing gift for all who learn and practice it."

John Hewlett, Author, Formulator, Founder of Cardio Miracle

"Dr. Bradley Nelson will help you locate the source of your emotional illness to make it go away. Get this book, read it, and open up your mind to emotional health."

Tom Danheiser, Senior Producer of the syndicated radio show Coast to Coast AM

"The healing journey with the Emotion Code changed my life and has changed the lives of so many others! It can change yours as well. The results by far outweigh the little effort you need to put in! It is well worth it."

Dr. Susanne Hufnagel, MD (Germany) Certified Emotion & Body Code Practitioner

"The Emotion Code book contains the life-changing technology you've been looking for to help yourself and your loved ones! Dr. Bradley Nelsons' profound work has shifted my health. The Emotion Code Book has improved many of my relationships with my own family and friends. Be willing, be present, and open your heart and mind to a remarkably simple yet intensely powerful new approach to health and wellness. You will be so glad you did!"

Colin Sprake, Founder & CEO, Make Your Mark Training and Consulting Inc.

The Emotion Code Book In Summary

I've read hundreds of books in my life. 99.9% of them are non-fiction. I've focused on personal development, spiritualism, energy healing, and the law of attraction. There are many great authors, and I've learned from many of these books.

But we all have our top five or ten books. The books that made the most change in our lives. 

After reading The Emotion Code Book, I was able to muscle test and connect with my subconscious. I used the Emotion Code Chart to find and release my trapped emotions. I felt the effects over the next 24 hours and continued. 

I released dozens of trapped emotions and felt so much better. The discoveries lead me to take the Emotion Code training!

Today I'm a certified Emotion Code Practitioner and Certified Body Code Practitioner. I'm helping people and pets release emotional baggage from the past to live a brighter future!

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Learn how to find and release trapped emotions!
Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Bob Randklev,, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own healthcare decisions based on your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.
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