Finding and releasing emotional imbalances is the first step towards..


It's time to stop being stuck in fear, pain, anxiety, depression and self-sabotage so you can..


Do you suffer from?

Chronic Pain?

You know that neck, back, knee, etc., pain that won't disappear?

It's likely trapped emotions!

Anxiety or Stress?

Who isn't stressed these days with everything happening in life? Imagine releasing the trapped emotions dragging you down!

Money Blocks?

Do you struggle with money and/or your business? Maybe you want to start a business? Remove your trapped emotions!

Emotional Memories?

Are past life events dragging you down? Trapped emotions can causing pain or conflict in your body.


Are you addicted to certain foods, drinks, sugar? Drugs, alcohol or more? Release trapped emotions to remove the addictions!


There's so much confusion on which diet, food, and exercise are right. I released trapped emotions to help me lose weight!

If you answered YES to any of these questions,
Energy Healing is right for you!

Free Emotion, Body & Belief Code Information

Receive a copy of The Emotion Code Chart, Heart-Wall Flowchart, two chapters of The Emotion Code Book and much more!
Learn how to find and release trapped emotions!

Unlock the Power to Heal Yourself in this Video!

(Click the image to watch the video)
six tools to heal yourself energeticallyFree Lesson & Practice Audios Here >>>

Schedule a Remote Energy Healing Session

All sessions are held via Zoom video or phone call. I will connect with you and complete a session remotely!
Emotion Code Single Session

Emotion Code

An Emotion Code session can clear the imbalances holding you back in many areas of life.
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Body Code Single Session Package

Body Code

The Body Code is a form of energy work where we identify and correct energetic imbalances.
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self healilng

Self Healing

Four-week self study course, including one-on-one energy check with Bob at the end of the course
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One Hour Reading

1 hr Reading & Energy Healing

During our session, we will connect you to earth and cosmic healing energies to identify imbalances and flush your chakras, auras, and much more!
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Full Body Aura Scan

Bio-Frequency Scan

AO Scan™ is a comprehensive tool for measuring & optimizing frequencies. Schedule an inner voice scan or a full EZ Scan with SEFI Frequencies.
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Emotion Code Energy Healing

Free Discovery Call

Questions or unsure where to start? Schedule a quick meeting to talk more.
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Tony Robbins The Emotion Code
"I believe that the discoveries in this book (The Emotion Code [2019 ed.] by Dr. Bradley Nelson) can change our understanding of how we store emotional experiences and in so doing, change our lives. The Emotion Code has already changed many lives around the world, and it is my hope that millions more will be led to use this simple tool to heal themselves and their loved ones."

Tony Robbins

Best-selling author, strategist, philanthropist

Do you have a Heart Wall?

During times of emotional pain or distress, your heart is “energetically” injured. Negative emotions become trapped.

This is where the words “heartache” and “heartbreak” come from. Your heart wants to protect you. Your protection is a “heart-wall” around the heart.

Over years of issues, your heart wall will become thicker. You become more protective. Your Heart Wall then blocks you from love and happiness!
Learn More About Heart Walls Here <<

Read More Energy Healing Articles

What is the Emotion Code? How does the Body Code work? What is Clairvoyant Healing? What is a Bio-Frequency Scan?
Healing Emotional Wounds With The Emotion Code
Unlock emotional wellness with expert practitioners near me. Find certified emotion code practitioner for holistic healing and to restore balance in your life....
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Emotion Code Certification: Unlocking Emotional Wellness
Unlock savings on Emotion Code Certification with our exclusive discount offer. Elevate your career with training in emotion code certification today!...
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Exploring the Transformative Power of the Emotion Code for Emotional Wellness
Exploring the Transformative Power of the Emotion Code for Emotional Wellness delves into the revolutionary healing modality known as the Emotion Code, which focuses on releasing trapped emotions to promote emotional well-being. This comprehensive guide explores the principles and techniques of the ...
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What is the Belief Code and how does it work?
Unlocking Your Personal Belief Code to Understand the Power of Beliefs Journey with me today as we answer "What is The Belief Code?" and learn from Dr. Bradley Nelson, founder of Discovery Healing. This unseen, often unacknowledged belief code is powerful. It governs how we view ourselves...our inte...
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A Comprehensive Guide to Belief Code Certification
In the realm of alternative healing, a revolutionary approach is making waves, promising to unlock the full potential of our subconscious minds. The Belief Code Certification, alongside the Emotion Code and Body Code, represents a trio of powerful methodologies designed to identify and release the h...
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Unlock the Power of Energy Healing
In the quest for wellness, balance, and inner peace, we often find ourselves navigating through a myriad of conventional and unconventional paths. Amidst this journey, energy healing and holistic healing emerge as beacons of hope, offering a sanctuary for the soul, mind, and body. This comprehensive...
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Introduction to the Emotion Code: Your Gateway to Emotional Wellness
In the quest for holistic health, we often overlook the profound impact of emotions on our overall well-being. The Emotion Code, a groundbreaking method developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, serves as a bridge to emotional wellness. This technique is designed to uncover and release trapped negative emoti...
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The Belief Code - Transform Your Mindset
Embarking on an inner journey through your belief system can be a transformative experience with the Belief Code. This unique exploration of the mind helps you uncover the unseen, often underestimated, realm known as 'The Belief Code'. This system quietly yet powerfully shapes our perception of ours...
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Emotional Code Practitioners' Healing and Transformation
Within the expanding realm of alternative healing practices, there's a group of dedicated practitioners committed to fostering change on a global scale. We're talking about Emotional Code Practitioners, individuals who have harnessed the power of emotional wellness to enact transformation not o...
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The Emotion Code: Your Questions Answered
"Embarking on the Journey of Wellness with The Emotion Code" Jump into the expansive realm of the Emotion Code—a unique approach to emotional and physical well-being. This self-help method, conceived and developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, is an interesting intersection of personal experiences and re...
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What is the Emotion Code & Body Code? 
How does the Belief Code Work?

The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. The Emotion Code works by identifying and releasing emotional baggage, also called “trapped emotions.” Using muscle testing, we can quickly identify, locate, and release hidden, trapped emotions.  

They are harmful emotional energies from negative past events you haven't processed or let go of. My parents and teachers told me to “put it behind you,” and I did! Dragging it through life!

Trapped emotions can lead to depression and anxiety. Some people are blocked from love and happiness. Trapped emotions can make people feel disconnected from others. 
Because trapped emotions are made of energy (just like the rest of the body), they influence your physical body and can cause acute pain and even disease. 
When you release trapped emotions, conditions become right for the body to heal. So, physical and emotional challenges often disappear or become much more manageable.

The Body Code is focused on six major imbalances affecting our body, mind and spirit. The focus of The Body Code is to bring balance to your body so it can naturally heal itself.

The Belief Code was launched in November 2023 after being announced a few years before. The former T3 Healing Modality was updated and integrated into the Body Code app. 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. Or check my calendar to book a quick time to talk.

Questions? Contact Me

Learn about The Emotion Code Process in this Video

Jeff F
Bob is a fantastic energy healer! He was able to find and release a number of trapped emotions, some going back to my childhood and others to negative past experiences. Immediately I felt a "woosh" of energy during our session and I no longer experience the neck pain! When I searched "Top Emotion Code Practitioners," I found Bob!

Jeff F

I'm here to help!

During these crazy times, I keep myself busy but don't hesitate to contact me.

Let me know if you prefer to talk by phone or video conference.
Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Bob Randklev,, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own healthcare decisions based on your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.
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