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Energy Healing Articles

Learn how the Emotion Code works. Discover the power of the Body Code. Find energy healing solutions and more!
A Guide To Soul Healing

Most of us have had a lot of emotional traumas and grief by the time we are adults. As I work with clients, I often find childhood emotions become like magnets and attract more energetic emotions. The bright side is that soul healing can be extremely beneficial, lessen suffering and create a better life. Of […]

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Heal Yourself Emotionally and Energetically

Unraveling the Mystery of Energetic Healing Often, the most challenging journeys we embark upon lead us inward. The path toward healing yourself emotionally can feel akin to navigating a labyrinth teeming with shadows and echoes of past hurts. We are each gifted with a unique inner cosmos, a universe resplendent with feelings that ripple through […]

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Heal Yourself the Right Way

There has been a shift in how we see our bodies over the last several decades. What seems to be a three-dimensional anatomical structure is essentially a process, a continuous movement of energy and information. Take into account that your body is altering right now as it reorganizes and trades atoms and molecules with all […]

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The Benefits Of Emotional Healing

There are so many benefits to emotional-healing your health and well-being. Emotional healing is an essential element of self-care that many people ignore or aren't aware of. For example, those who are easily agitated, upset, or burned out in their personal interactions or in their jobs can use emotional healing to restore their emotional health […]

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9 Steps to Start your Self-Healing Journey

Your self-healing journey starts with recognizing emotional pain and trauma in your life and figuring out how to stop them from weighing you down. Healing yourself necessitates patience, practice, and the ability to persevere in the face of unpleasant situations that make you feel weak and want to give up. 9 steps you can take for your […]

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Review Of The Emotion Code Book (Revised Edition) A MUST Read!

The Emotion Code Book amazed me the first time I read it! I had been on a journey of healing for many years. Never before had I found the answers to my issues in such a simple solution. There are many excellent books with theories or comprehensive solutions that have helped me. The Emotion Code […]

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What is an Emotional Heart-Wall and How They Affect Our Lives

When you experience heartache, grief, or loss in life, it hurts! Your heart creates an emotional heart-wall to protect you from this happening again! This process repeats itself over and over, causing the heart wall to grow. Unfortunately, when your heart-wall becomes too thick, you block love and happiness! You tend to feel more inward and guarded! […]

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Learn How Reiki Distance Healing Can Make Your Life Better!

Reiki is a Japanese art of healing, using the energies of your holistic body. Reiki means "universal life force" or energy. Reiki Distance Healing practitioners are "conduits" connecting to your divine spirits to heal you! Reiki distance healing sessions are the same process by phone or video conference. Clients receive distance Reiki energy healing energy […]

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Emotion Code Certification & Body Code Certification

Emotion Code Certification has been life-changing for me. I've helped myself and many others release "emotional baggage." The Body Code training and energy healing benefits took me to a new level!  EVERYONE should consider the certification training programs. Learn to heal yourself. Then, consider healing others by starting a healing practice! Over 90% of illness […]

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20+ Emotion Code Energy Healing Questions Answered

The Emotion Code energy healing is a life-changing discovery! With the discovery comes many questions I'll answer here. After your mind opens and realizes 90% of the issues in your life have trapped emotions. You'll have questions and want to learn more! The Emotion Code Energy Healing has changed my life and I want to […]

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Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Bob Randklev,, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own healthcare decisions based on your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.
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