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Energy Healing Articles

Learn how the Emotion Code works. Discover the power of the Body Code. Find energy healing solutions and more!
Exploring the Transformative Power of the Emotion Code for Emotional Wellness

Exploring the Transformative Power of the Emotion Code for Emotional Wellness delves into the revolutionary healing modality known as the Emotion Code, which focuses on releasing trapped emotions to promote emotional well-being. This comprehensive guide explores the principles and techniques of the Emotion Code, including the use of muscle testing and magnetic therapy to identify […]

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What is an Emotional Heart-Wall and How They Affect Our Lives

When you experience heartache, grief, or loss in life, it hurts! Your heart creates an emotional heart-wall to protect you from this happening again! This process repeats itself over and over, causing the heart wall to grow. Unfortunately, when your heart-wall becomes too thick, you block love and happiness! You tend to feel more inward and guarded! […]

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Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing and How Does it Work

Applied Kinesiology is the scientific name for muscle testing. I learned muscle testing from Dr. Bradley Nelson. He practiced applied kinesiology as a chiropractor for decades. Muscle testing is a pillar of his work The Emotion Code. Thousands of certified practitioners use Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing to find trapped emotions. I'm amazed at the power of […]

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3 Benefits of Distance Healing and How To Feel Better

Distance healing is the practice of sending healing energy across time and space. Sending distance healing intentions via positive energy is more effective than you might realize! The intention is to send therapeutic healing energy via long distances. Energy healing therapies are used to balance energy chakra centers and promote healing. The primary benefit is […]

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Emotion Code Heart Wall Chart To Release Emotional Blockages

A Heart Wall is created by your subconscious to protect you from heartache. We all have a Heart Wall from negative past events. The Heart Wall Chart helps you find and release negative trapped emotions. A Heart Wall can drag you down and block you from love and happiness. Your heart is the center of […]

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Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Bob Randklev,, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own healthcare decisions based on your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.
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