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Energy Healing Articles

Learn how the Emotion Code works. Discover the power of the Body Code. Find energy healing solutions and more!
Exploring the Transformative Power of the Emotion Code for Emotional Wellness

Exploring the Transformative Power of the Emotion Code for Emotional Wellness delves into the revolutionary healing modality known as the Emotion Code, which focuses on releasing trapped emotions to promote emotional well-being. This comprehensive guide explores the principles and techniques of the Emotion Code, including the use of muscle testing and magnetic therapy to identify […]

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Unlock the Power of Energy Healing

In the quest for wellness, balance, and inner peace, we often find ourselves navigating through a myriad of conventional and unconventional paths. Amidst this journey, energy healing and holistic healing emerge as beacons of hope, offering a sanctuary for the soul, mind, and body. This comprehensive guide not only unveils the essence of these healing […]

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A Guide To Root Chakra Healing

The root chakra is located at the base of your spine and is responsible for food, shelter, clothing, and survival. Everyone has experienced a Root Chakra imbalance at some time in their lives. You're likely to have an imbalanced root chakra if you were raised in an unsafe area, had single or divorced parents, or, […]

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Learn How Reiki Distance Healing Can Make Your Life Better!

Reiki is a Japanese art of healing, using the energies of your holistic body. Reiki means "universal life force" or energy. Reiki Distance Healing practitioners are "conduits" connecting to your divine spirits to heal you! Reiki distance healing sessions are the same process by phone or video conference. Clients receive distance Reiki energy healing energy […]

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10+ Chakra Balancing Tips and Chakra Test to Feel Better

Feeling out of sorts? Your Chakras are likely out of balance. You can find your energy imbalances using the Chakra Test in this article. I recommend practicing Chakra Balancing to feel better. If your Chakra energy centers are out of balance. Your life can feel out of balance! If you think about it, we are […]

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The 7 Chakra Chart Process to Balance and Feel Better Today!

Your Chakras are spinning concentrations of energy. They are vital to your spiritual, mental and physical wellness. I'll share an exercise to balance and re-energize your Chakras! When you don't feel right or things aren't going well, your Chakras are out of balance. I balance my Chakras daily! There are many Chakras in the body, […]

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Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Bob Randklev,, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own healthcare decisions based on your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.
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